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> It is an organizational problem.

Of course it is. But nothing happens in isolation.

Rails requires a lot more effort to keep a team in sync than an equivalently sized codebase in a typed language.

To get the same quality deployment in production we needed extensively customized linters, a broad suite of tests, and much more frequent QA review with Rails.

None of those are bad, but they're a lot of effort to corral folks away from the (sometimes awesome) but usually frustrating amount of variety Ruby allows in expressiveness. Plus you need the testing/qa to stop a larger and larger number of bugs, particularly in cross cutting concerns, that are introduced by the lack of type checking.

Rails is 100% the "Solo developer goes 'Brrrrr!'" framework. It genuinely starts to be a drag compared to the alternatives on large teams.

Of course you can make it work. But generally companies "Make it work" as they migrate to a more serious solution.

When I was younger, that tended to be Java/C#, but lately seems to be more towards either Typescript if performance isn't likely to be an issue or GoLang otherwise. Recently worked with a Rails team looking into moving to Rust, but they eventually settled on Elm instead.

Would still love to get information about how Sorbet is going. Seems like it might be a viable answer at some point.

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