Yeah, liberalisation just made rich richer.
All that government debt went to entrapanuer not working mass.
If capital accumulation is too fast then he need to put in somewhere. If that somewhere is housing then normal working people can't compete.
> Our incomes are like our shoes; if too small, they gall and pinch us; but if too large, they cause us to stumble and to trip.
Liberalism is not at odds with sensible resource distribution. On the contrary: A free society is rooted in participation of all, both political and economical.
Question is - why people where not able to save more money? From 1971 until housing crises in 2008 personal savings diminished.
While top 1% earnings increasing.
If you look at housing price index Vs salary then real estate rose by 250% while salary not some much. Rent increase proporsonal to housing prices. It just generates so much cash from those who can't buy it. And paying higher rent set you back from saving and buying your own.
And without savings you have also limited negotiation options.