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The superior but accidental rational capability of homo sapiens isn't the only significant distinction from other mammals.

(This rational capability needs much practice -- both in the group and the individual -- to become something approaching reliable.)

Although being a mammal favours the development of some co-operative behaviours (which vary according to environmental pressures), the other very unique characteristic is the theory of mind, i.e. the tendency to ascribe agency and even psychology to events and other beings.

Sophisticated co-operation, language, and patterns of social cohesion begin in this perception/assumption of agency. Sophisticated reasoning then follows as the perception/assumption of agency proves a correct guess and humans begin to think together. (Dennett's hypothesis about debugging thought.)

An unfortunate result of the theory of mind is the chaos of human delusions.

I'm not sure if that is true. To me it makes more sense that mammals just lack the rational capability to act on that information. Like, dogs clearly understands that others are thinking and feeling beings.

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