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Text Visualization Browser (lnu.se)
62 points by jonbaer on Nov 17, 2020 | hide | past | favorite | 8 comments

Reminds me of MicroViche, the most strangely compelling writing environment I've come across as a text editor uber-nerd. It's an (old?) plugin for Vim that allows one to "pan and zoom through text":


The author also has other videos to demonstrate it (and its evolution, I think) under his Youtube profile.

Thanks for that! I found a link there to BigPicture, an "infinite notepad" with zooming. Here's a demo; this definitely looks cool: https://bigpictu.re/demo

Intriguing. Nreal Light AR glasses provide a nicely readable 1080p at 2 meters, ~2 m ~45 deg wide, and 3D (but fixed focus, so long-term comfort suggests keeping that shallow). Which raises the question of what novel UIs for text are enabled by having a head-tracked shallow-3D display with laptop-like fov? Simply panning around a large virtual traditional desktop being meh.

It would be best if the thumbnails were bigger, and I could read a description of the visualization without leaving the page. I perceive opening the link as fatiguing.

Maybe a biweekly email featuring a visualization would be neat too.

Made me think of 200 Points of Light's demo, circa 1999 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H5-T_S50Sr4

This is incredibly visual down to icons for the analytical technique, data source type, etc. Once you get used to these symbols you can go through these very quickly.

It's amazing to think how many things we could summarize in such a cute but useful way.

Visualizing random data in an image to see patterns is a neat idea.

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