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War on Sony – 102 million accounts compromised (bandwidthblog.com)
7 points by jasonadriaan on May 3, 2011 | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

I prefer to fight my battles legally: I'm not giving Sony any more money. They have proven time and time again that they have no regard for their customers and now that they have no idea what security means.

I don't approve of what these hackers are doing, but I thank them for showing me just how bad Sony is.

As for the hackers being Anonymous... People keep trying to treat Anonymous like a terrorist group, but it's not. It's any random person who wants to call themselves that. There's no leader. There's no leadership. There's no spokesperson. Nobody can deny Anonymous involvement.

Sure, there's someone that claims to lead them... But the name itself means he can't deny involvement other than his own.

Agreed. It's becoming more apparent that individuals within Anonymous or outside are taking credit or making threats on behalf of the group. No one else has yet taken credit for the attack officially though.

Sony is ultimately to be blamed for what is happening here, they were not paying attention to security and now a hundred million people have fallen victim.


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