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The EU(Germany)is so preoccupied with its economic ties with Turkey to understand that it's losing its strategic depth because of its inaction against it.

Right now, Turkey is at war with almost all its neighbors, it's crazy that we are still turning a blind eye to it

Turkey is not at war with any of it’s neighbors.

Turkey military is inside, without permission (thus what we call "invasion") on:

Cyprus, Syria, Lybia, sometimes in Iraq (they claim to be fighting kurds, invade, do their thing, and retreat), Greek waters

Turkey is also seemly helping Azerbaijan attack Armenia

They also are pissing off Egypt, France, Russia, orthodox christians worldwide and some other countries.

The only reason why they are not "at war" is because they are member of NATO, so everyone is waiting Turkey to declare war first, since they don't want USA into their ass.

Apart from actively occupying cyprus, fighting Syria and iraq, fighting armenia and violating nearby economic zones, yes, there s no war, thank god

Ok... as a Turkish guy who despises how the people in charge are destroying all the foreign relations I understand your point. But you don't need to exaggerate and say we are at war with all of our neighbors, there is no war, the situation is bad as it is.

Like it or not, people were literally burning their neighbors alive in Cyprus and entire west was watching. They've been in peace for 40 years now because of Turkish intervention. Cyprus war ended 46 years ago. Turkey isn't fighting Armenia at all. Iraq and Syria doesn't exist, they are broken beyond repair thanks to US and EU and Russia. It's the people that matters and there is a reson why we have 10 million Syrian refugees.

Europeans nowadays know a lot more about the ethnic cleansing tactics that were always well known to Turkey's neighbors. Every "peaceful intervention" by turkey resulted in massive ethnic cleansing, "without wars" and a simple count of any non-turkish population shows that.

It doesn't matter if one calls it "war" or not, ethnic cleansing is uncivil and barbaric, no matter where it takes place. It's true that Ethnically cleansed areas become much more peaceful, is the argument that we should have more of it?

> Like it or not, people were literally burning their neighbors alive in Cyprus and entire west was watching. They've been in peace for 40 years now because of Turkish intervention. Cyprus war ended 46 years ago.

"in peace" about as much as the Korean peninsula is at peace. Turkey is illegally occupying Northern Cyprus, and that's it. It's not at war with the actual Cyprus, but you can't pretend everything is even remotely fine.

Turks were brutally removed from most of the lands they brutally installed and settled themselves on. Population exchanges like after the Greco-Turkish war should have been done with all neighbors to avoid such nastiness in the future.

I hope you know Syria is "broken" because of Turkish meddling as much as anyone else.

And as a Greek citizen I hope you guys can deal with your nationalist side and work with everyone around you. The situation in our borders is ridiculous right now.

They have been fighting in wars in Syria, Iraq, and now declare all out support for Azerbaijan. They are also being aggressive towards Greece regarding oil drilling. Not to mention they occupy Cyprus.


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