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The only explanation I can find to why these organizations can grow openly at certain European countries while their neighbours prevent it, is that some people at intelligence and law enforcement agencies are enabling it, and maybe local politicians as well.

Fear of being accused of racism or islamophobia, being fired from job for such accusation. Happened many times.

This is so true, we are seeing the very real results of woke culture going wrong & instituting the exact reverse issues of the ones it trying to solve. Another example of this exact problem: "Security guard avoided Manchester Arena bomber 'for fear of being called racist'".

source: https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2020/oct/27/security-gua...

Being fired is the least of concern for french people. Ghettos in big cities, off-limits communities and crime are settled reality. I have multiple french friends who chose to move outside of Paris for this.

I moved out from Bristol UK for similar reasons.

I call bull. In pretty much every country in Europe as a politician on the right you can votes when pushing antiimmigration and islamophobia. The reason about not cracking down on the grey wolves is the weird relationship between Europe and Erdoğan.

It is also worth pointing out that the grey wolves have strong history of working with rightwing/fascist groups in Europe, which makes sense as they themselves are essentially fascists.

Look at the Rotherham scandal where police and politicians shielded "asian" rape gangs for years (allegedly) out of fear of being perceived as racist. Turkey's geo-political role in the US empire (and subsequent NATO membership) plays a role, but it's not the primary driver.

I know that many people like to construe the myth that police is somehow lax or in bed with "lefties, islamist" or afraid of being labelled racist, islamophobia or similar.

However the reality is that immigrants are disproportionately more subjects of police brutality and arbitrary harassment, and there is plenty of evidence. All recent scandals of police ties to political groups have been associations with far-right groups. Just look at the recent scandals in Germanyab nazi chat groups inside the police, connections of police to nazi groups and leaking of hidden addresses of immigration lawyers to right wing groups.

> However the reality is that immigrants are disproportionately more subjects of police brutality and arbitrary harassment, and there is plenty of evidence.

Obviously not in Rotherham, where the opposite is well documented over decades. You're trying to rewrite history, it seems.

No I'm not rewriting history, but you are rewriting reality by citing anecdotal exceptions. Don't get me wrong the rotherham scandal is horrible, it does not change the fact that it's an exception. Take for example the Met, the investigation into institutional racism has just reopened because of the many reports.

> No I'm not rewriting history, but you are rewriting reality by citing anecdotal exceptions.

They aren't "anecdotal", they are well documented and large-scale. Please stop doing that.

A far simpler and thus likelier explanation is that European countries are universally naive in their application of religious freedom and support for local minorities. Those ideas and laws came about before jihadism and the famous long arm of Ankara became what they are today. A cleverer approach is what is needed, more cognisant of the way that, for instance Ankara and Ryad, sponsors and instructs mosques in Europe. That sort of control should and can be severed, bringing migrants, sometimes already 3rd generation, definitively on board. I can tell you intelligence agencies are generally aware of this, but have no clear mandate to act. A confused and mostly wrong public opinion and politicians are not helping this.

Ironically, these ultranationalist organisations are linked to NATO's stay-behind anti-communist operations "Operation Gladio[0]" and it is known as "Counter-Guerilla[1]" in Turkey. Italian prosecutor Felice Cassino[2] famously took down its Italy branch but in Turkey there were numerous assassinations and political operations on those who dared to investigate the claims, therefore the organisation was never really destroyed. Its existence was revealed by leftie prime minister Bulent Ecevit back in the 1970's but the details mostly remain on the speculative side.




Event writing about this is on online forums is kind if scary. Suspected members of this organisation are linked to country's troublesome political history.

It's sort of interesting history just repeats itself. Many (most) of the militant islamists group were also created with the help of the CIA, example case: the taliban. The state which is the known biggest supporter of militant islamism in the world is a dictatorship propped up by the US for decades, I'm talking about Saudi Arabia.

Also Iran, where the western powers helped to overthrow a secular government by supporting an islamist revolution.

Political correctness is preventing the first step in fixing it: admitting there is a problem in the first place.

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