Not really, you have to learn by doing. Take $300 and spread it across various defi projects - not their tokens, their applications - and see how you are making or losing money, possibly all of it. See what existing tools help you see that better. Notice where they can be further improved.
Otherwise you will be stuck in a youtube promoter rabbit hole, white papers and medium articles that still dont make it easier to understand what is going on. Usually the currently deployed code is very different from what is described.
To elaborate, go down the top 20 projects on and use each one. Forget about what each project’s website says, just figure out how to use them. Forget about their tokens except as for inventory to use their product, if the project has a native token remember that it is not a surrogate for you to express your excitement about the project, you are here to learn how to earn more things that can be exchanged for goods and services, food and shelter, not here to use your existing capital for trading. In fact, consider all of it as existing for entertainment purposes only. Say you work in entertainment to nullify the utility criticisms others might have when you utter the word crypto.
Otherwise you will be stuck in a youtube promoter rabbit hole, white papers and medium articles that still dont make it easier to understand what is going on. Usually the currently deployed code is very different from what is described.