I'm not a web developer - my experience is mostly with embedded systems overlapping SW & HW functional performance in avionics, industrial robotics, and medical device etc.
"Embedded systems & Robotics Generalist" sounds pretty badass to me. Technically you can even say "Embedded Systems & Robotics _Specialist_". since thats where your specializing, _not_ in web, not in angular/react, not in node/django/rails etc...
Yeah, when the 'full stack' name appeared, I thought it applied to me, cause I fiddle with kernels and write bad CSS and terrible JS and everything in between (most of which isn't as bad as my JS), but the term has been refined to frontend that might dabble in just enough server side to get their job done. (Which is a fine job, but not mine).
If you're a pretty broad generalist, most likely the way to get new jobs is networking. Someone you've worked with is hiring and would be happy to work with you, and you have to find them (or they you).
If you're contracting though, you really want to sell what business problems you can solve rather than focusing on tech.