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It's not just pure functions. Two things break modularity: Free variables and mutation.

The problem with OOP is that no method is truly pure, no method is a combinator.

   class Thing
      var memberVar
      def addOne():
          return memberVar+1;

The above is an example of your typical class. AddOne is not modular because it cannot be used outside of the context of Thing.

You can use static functions but the static keyword defeats the purpose of a class and makes the class equivalent to a namespace containing functions.

   class Thing
      static def add(x):
           return x + 1;
the above is pointless. Just do the below:

   namespace Thing:
       def add(x):
           return x + 1; 
The point of OOP is for methods to operate on internal state. If you remove this feature from OOP you're left with something that is identical to namespaces and functions.

Use namespaces and functions when all you have are pure functions and use classes when you need internal state... there is literally no point for OOP if you aren't using internal state with your classes.

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