I'm a Ruby developer, and cut my teeth on Ruby/Rails after a bit of PHP. I love Ruby and will continue to use it at my day job. But I'm starting a side project and want to learn something new. What should I try?
I've always wanted to get better at C and Lisp, but building a database-backed web app in either of these seems like a lot of work. How is Weblocks? Any other worthwhile web frameworks for Lisp?
What about Java, or a JVM language like Scala or Clojure?
I can't really recommend web programming with C, although it's a wonderful language to learn; I'm sure you'll have many revelatory moments as you get to grips with it and discover things about the higher level languages that you normally use.
Common Lisp is definitely usable for web development, and Hunchentoot is a pretty decent web server and programming environment, although it's certainly not the only one.