Sorry I can only read Dutch to the degree that it is superficially similar to German/North-German but I thought it's only NOS who're victim to this. I found it shocking, and immediately thought there's some polarising propaganda being cooked in NL on social media. In Germany, there seem to be more and more people being subjected to radical propaganda with a hidden agenda as well, calling regular journalism "mainstream media" and "Lügenpresse."
I read it through google translate, that sometimes may miss/mitranslate some details, hence the doubt.
But still if this (hatred specifically directed at the NOS network) is the case, than - unless all other TVs' vans are also blanked (for solidarity) - the only "blank TV van" is easily identified as belonging to NOS.
It is not clear from the article if the issue are common to all television vans or apply only to that particular network's ones.