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> There's a limit on the number of "active" groups you can be in at a time, typically 16. Groups were used for permissions for directories on network storage and our version control system at the time.

This is a limitation of NFS, or more specifically AUTH_SYS per RFC 5531 (§A):

* https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5531#page-25

A lot (most?) NFS appliances tend to have a setting where you can tell them to ignore the group list that comes in on the RPC call and just do a look-up on the UID themselves: this way they get the full list via LDAP/NIS/AD/whatever and then do permission checks from that.

The limit exists on some Unixen as well natively (e.g., Solaris), but yes, it's likely most often experienced as an NFS behaviour.

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