Error is still there, it is just a non breaking error.
Imagine Word or Excel document that's trying to silently recover. I do not see programming languages adopting "not to fail" approach
1 + "2"
1 - "2"
There were PHP sites with mysql connection error all around. As industry we've chosen AirBrake approach — fail and notify developers. HTML makes it easier to edit plain text but there is a price. What you load is not what you've stored, HTML is a lossy serialization [1] [2] [3].
Program not human produced DOM, it should be safe to serialize-deserialize. It could be JSON, XML, s-expressions. It is unsafe with HTML.
It is very easy to author XHTML. Start DOM first (HTML for brevity):
I can't mess it when I edit DOM and browser restores it as it was.
I may have <ul> in <p> (we had it in 1978), I may have <a> in <script> (and it works like comment), I may have <pre>\n and don't worry that it disappear each time I save document. I may have nested <script type="foo"> tags [1].
DOM supports it. XHTML supports it. HTML breaks my content on save-load.
Imagine Word or Excel document that's trying to silently recover. I do not see programming languages adopting "not to fail" approach
There were PHP sites with mysql connection error all around. As industry we've chosen AirBrake approach — fail and notify developers. HTML makes it easier to edit plain text but there is a price. What you load is not what you've stored, HTML is a lossy serialization [1] [2] [3].Program not human produced DOM, it should be safe to serialize-deserialize. It could be JSON, XML, s-expressions. It is unsafe with HTML.
It is very easy to author XHTML. Start DOM first (HTML for brevity):
Done, it automatically escapes <>&. Extend with some controls [4], store it as XHTML [5]. It is WYSIWYG, much easier than HTML authoring.[1]