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This is why I wrote a cell-phone-friendly frontend for my K interpreter: https://github.com/JohnEarnest/ok#mobile

I agree, though- dedicated tactile buttons will always be nicer for a calculator.

I'd love to have APL or K on a small calculator like the HP-15c just for the cool factor. With an SD card slot it would make for a really cool portable programming computer.

The physical keys is why I still grab my 30ish year old HP-11C for quick experiments, however it's hard for me to phantom a good experience with K on a single line display. We'd probably be better off with a portrait form factor, roughly 1/3 display, 2/3 keyboard. Getting switches with the HP quality and feel is the biggest problem.

EDIT: actually, porting oK to the DM41x might be the best option (putting stickers on remapped keys).

Closest I've come to that so far was getting oK running on a PocketCHIP. (Which is really just a matter of installing node and cloning the repo, thankfully.) The keyboard is less than stellar, but not too bad for trying little expressions.

I have an irrational reverence for my moderately modded PocketCHIP and pull it out every few months, but the keyboard is just truly awful. This is possibly a spiritual successor https://www.tindie.com/products/arturo182/keyboard-featherwi...

Yeah I should've explained that I think it would need a slightly larger screen.

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