What they seem to be describing is basically a CRDT known as WOOT[0] from what I can tell. The category theory paper they refer goes a bit over my head, so maybe there’s more to it than rediscovering WOOT.
Pijul is indeed vastly different and significantly more complex than WOOT, in that it handles conflicts (whereas WOOT doesn't). Conflicts are fundamental for asynchronous systems, but don't matter that much for synchronous (or almost synchronous, like WOOT) ones, since users usually notice them immediately as they type.
All CRDTs are fundamentally asychronous, theres no requirement for them to be used in a Google Docs live editing type of setup, so as far as conflict resolution goes I still don’t see any major difference between this conflict resolution strategy and WOOT (aside from character vs line-level units).
It also suffers from the same problem as WOOT that while it’s mathematically (merge) conflict free, you still need to resolve semantic (merge) conflicts before the result is sensible, like in the final example.
I didn't say otherwise. However, Google Docs and WOOT are meant to be used "almost synchronously" (which is why I wrote "almost synchronous" in my answer), in the sense that conflicts are presented to the user almost instantly.
By the way, in the paper you mentioned, the words "synchronous" and "real-time" are used to describe WOOT.
[0] https://hal.inria.fr/file/index/docid/71240/filename/RR-5580...