"Recommendation system is so successful in many products and services we interact everyday" ->
"Recommendation system[S] [ARE] so successful in many products and services we interact [WITH] every[ ]day"
I'm sorry, but four errors within the first sentence is just not good enough - did the author even read this themselves just once before hitting publish? Show just a little bit more respect toward the people who give their attention to what you've written.
Thanks for pointing out the errors. I got them fixed in the blog.
This is also a good use case of GPT3, checking grammar and spelling. I might build an application for this.
Thanks for fixing them - and sorry if I was overly harsh. Sharing your writing with the world is nerve-wracking enough already without having the spelling and grammar shot down on HN. Truth be told, my first thought was "maybe this is some example of text created by GPT-3?" But I think you're right that it would actually serve well as a combined spelling and error checker to catch things like that - I hope you do build an application for it, that would be neat.
Sure, neither is mine. But if you don't have the skills to proofread what you've written yourself, then get someone to help that has. I don't expect to be able to write something in Chinese deserving of a wide audience all on my own either.
A lot of people write content like this for nothing or next to nothing. If the bar to publish a blog post is "needs an editor" then there's a lot of content that simply won't exist any more, because people don't want to pay money to read blogs (at least I know I won't).
That is quite probably untrue, and I'd wager many best selling and critically acclaimed books contained a number of 'howlers' on the publication of their first editions.
"Recommendation system[S] [ARE] so successful in many products and services we interact [WITH] every[ ]day"
I'm sorry, but four errors within the first sentence is just not good enough - did the author even read this themselves just once before hitting publish? Show just a little bit more respect toward the people who give their attention to what you've written.