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>iTerm2: An alternative Terminal with just so many features. I particularly like the ability to split windows into panes, which Apple’s Terminal does not have.

Terminal actually has it, View -> Split Pane or Command-D - and has had it for ages (as well as tabs).

Terminal's split panes are a totally different thing than iTerm2's and IMO not very useful. Terminal can have multiple panes that all show different places in the same scrollback buffer, not different terminals. iTerm2 can have many different terminals within one tab, which I use for example to have a tab for a project with one pane ssh'd into a VM/server and another pane on my local machine for file munging and syncing.

The tmux integration is amazing too! When I ssh into a server, whatever window/pane setup I last had (tab colors, names, and all), are restored.

On one server I run a few 'production' apps, but I also have a tab for 'random shit' and a tab for 'nginx config'. the production tabs are bright red, and are usuall split pane with the left showing logs, and the right giving me a terminal with app-specific commands (and in the current app home dir).

But then on another server I have two separate windows, and each window deals with one of the two 'concerns' on that server.

It's a massive help in managing all my panes/sessions.

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