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A question I'm asking myself is: "What would it take for anarchism to work?"

(See also: "What would it take for capitalism to work for everyone?")

Some ideas to consider:

1. @visakanv on assholes:

> Assholes make up about 1% of most groups, cause about 75% of the damage, and ruin everybody’s experience. [1]

2. Dale Pendell on a long-term formulation of anarchism he calls "Horizon Anarchism":

> I want to see the president, when it comes time to sign a bill, even if the bill may be necessary, to recognize—instead of being proud of every piece of legislation that’s passed—to recognize that it represents a failure of our collective social nature. And, instead of giving away all these pens with fanfare, he should light a stick of incense and say, “My fellow Americans, it is with deep regret that I must announce to you that, because we could not solve this problem on our own, we have had to enact another piece of legislation. Let us pray we can recover our senses and repeal it as soon as possible.” [2]

3. Another question to ask is "Why are some people willing to cooperate, but not others?"

Theories of developmental stages give us useful models to understand the prerequisites. What cultural, psychological, and physical needs must be meet?

I've found a good starting point in this area in Reinventing Organizations by Frederic Laloux [3], which draws heavily on Ken Wilber's integral theory and other research on developmental stages that came before it [4].

[1] http://www.visakanv.com/blog/assholes/

[2] https://psychedelicsalon.com/podcast-055-horizon-anarchism/

[3] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gcS04BI2sbk

[4] https://reinventingorganizationswiki.com/Developmental_Persp...

Thanks for all the nice resources and good question. I think a good place to look is also at Elinor Ostrom 8 design principles to deal with the tragedy of the common and David Sloan Wilson's multilevel selection theory [1]. They call is polycentric governance but it has a lot of related ideas. [1]: https://evonomics.com/tragedy-of-the-commons-elinor-ostrom

[1]: https://evonomics.com/tragedy-of-the-commons-elinor-ostrom/?...

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