It's a brilliant language and due to the fact that it can limit you in the eyes of employers is one reason why I'm dabbling with other languages (including Go) and also a syntax for a new one inspired by Ada.
I suspect that you wouldn't agree about the desirability, but I've long thought that doing a simple substitution on some of the terminals in the Ada grammar to turn it into a curly brace language would do a lot for adoption. For someone to do it the right way would mean a tool capable of also doing the reverse substitution on a curly brace text, which would produce output that could be consumed by "legacy" (non-curly brace-aware) compilers. With the rest of the grammar and semantics all staying the same, this would mean a level of fluidity that would allow existing Ada programmers and the programmers working in the hip new "Attica-B"† dialect to work together on the same projects with no more friction than the way that a lot of people already use gofmt.