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So each point is worth between $.007 and $.01 (based on the gift card conversions).

Assuming you make 50 searches per day, you'll make at most $.50 - is it really worth it for a half dollar a day?

I don't know... $0.50 (Bing) vs. $0.00 (Google). What is better for me when I can still find whatever I need to find in both?

Weird that you find them comparable. I've compared the two and Bing's results are just kind of weird (old results and non-related results come up). It's worth 50 cents a day for me to have decent results.

When did you do the comparison? In the summer of '09 when Bing launched I gave it a shot, but just did not like it as much as Google. A few months ago I went back and tried it again, and have not gone back to Google since.

I've tried it a few times since it launched and just did a quick try doing a self-Google. Again, less useful results than Google.

Google have a special case for vanity / people searches. I don't think that searching for yourself would given an accurate representation of the two search engines.

Same here. I had switched much earlier. The rewards just make the deal a bit sweeter

$0.50/day could pay for an EC2 micro instance... :-)

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