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John Gruber: The App Store, Day One (daringfireball.net)
20 points by nickb on July 11, 2008 | hide | past | favorite | 6 comments

Waiting for approval to join the ranks of iPhone application developers is made even more frustrating when you see the App Store spammed with 99 cent "ebooks"

Not to mention 4 different Flashlight applications, each of which simply displays a white screen, and three of which the author has the audacity to charge money for.

Thus far the App Store selection is very underwhelming.

I'm thinking about starting a subscriber's only website optimized for the iPhone that just shows a blank [white] web page. Why share revenue with Apple on this hot market vertical?

But yea, you're right about underwhelming. I was surprised. I guess I shouldn't have been since half the apps they demoed at the keynote really should have been web pages (MLB, eBay, AP, TypePad, etc). What really surprised me is the UI of a lot of these apps. You can give a developer Interface Builder, but you can't make him a designer.

Shit, someone beat me to the flash light web app:


It's not a subscriber site, but he asks for $5 donations (http://www.vflashlight.com/). What the hell is wrong with people?

to be fair, a lot of them were originally available on jailbroken phones. I can't believe three of them are not free though. (and well, I'm quite fond of erica sadun's flashlight app, especially the screenshots ;) )

But..you just don't even need to buy it, and if you do cough up money for that it's really your problem. I'm just appalled at the idea that certain other applications were approved by apple (triplog/1040 and the 99 cent ebooks come to mind...).

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