I am sorry, but I find it ridiculous to claim that X220Ts had "great build quality".
When the X2x0 series were released we did complain A LOT about the drop in quality and reminisce about the good old Lenovo times. And of course people already complained about the Lenovo times vs IBM. And I ponder if people used to complain about the drop of quality in IBM times...
But seriously, the X220T specifically is crap. We bought 4 of them and NONE of them survived the first year, with a myriad of failures, including mute microphone/webcam, broken display flex cable, and screen that would not stand in place (it would just fall instead of staying open). Lenovo then replaced them with X230Ts and ALL of them had this issue where the microphone would have a terrible electric noise when the webcam was on (common issue too, google for it). By the time the X240 was released, we just gave up -- no trackpoint click buttons!!! what were they thinking!
A lot of people hated the X200 and the rest of the X2__ series because they owned the X60 or X61, which were the peak of ThinkPad quality. They X200 was when they moved from the best screens in the business to the most shit displays they could find falling off the backs of trucks, from decent keyboards to garbage keyboards, and of course with the X201 they started adding touchpads, which is apostasy, and it didn't help that their first touchpads were incredibly bad, contributing to the perception of the X201 as a piece of crap. Which it was.
Ah yes, how could I forget the damn display. It had so much ghosting, that for a while I thought I had the transparent terminals feature (this was a xcompmgr + gnome(2)-terminal feature) enabled. Imagine my huge surprise when it turned out I didn't had it enabled. It was just ghosting from when the window had been in focus, and it would stay for minutes!!
There is only one other display which I remember comparable in terrible quality: the early color Palm(Pilot)s. With viewing angles measured in arcminutes rather than degrees.
When the X2x0 series were released we did complain A LOT about the drop in quality and reminisce about the good old Lenovo times. And of course people already complained about the Lenovo times vs IBM. And I ponder if people used to complain about the drop of quality in IBM times...
But seriously, the X220T specifically is crap. We bought 4 of them and NONE of them survived the first year, with a myriad of failures, including mute microphone/webcam, broken display flex cable, and screen that would not stand in place (it would just fall instead of staying open). Lenovo then replaced them with X230Ts and ALL of them had this issue where the microphone would have a terrible electric noise when the webcam was on (common issue too, google for it). By the time the X240 was released, we just gave up -- no trackpoint click buttons!!! what were they thinking!