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Do people actually run bash scripts from the internet without reviewing them first?

Next thing you know they'll be running binaries without sending them through IDA Pro.

(Which isn't to say that I disagree with the security concerns raised of a curl|sh. Just that of course many people don't vet their various source code/shell scripts/executables. None the less, you should give them the opportunity to - a tarball and a detached signature seems to be a pretty friendly approach)


My problem isn't with the claim that this is an insecure method of installing software (it most certainly is), just that people are acting like it's an order of magnitude worse than what most people do regularly: download and execute software from unauthenticated/unencrypted websites. I would wager that many of the people complaining are guilty of that as well.


Sorry, my comment should have been a top level comment, not in response to yours. Not trying to pick a fight.

Or even the laughable idea of downloading a tarball and running a configure script without first examining it for trojans. Such folly!

I'm guilty of this: `wget mysqltuner.pl && perl mysqltuner.pl`.

“Concerned about theoretical man-in-the-middle attacks when piping scripts from curl to your shell?”

This case is where you know what's at the URL you specified, but since it was/will be downloaded over HTTP, in principle a MITM could change the content when it's downloaded by curl, so you're running a different script than the one you reviewed/uploaded.

Yeah, but if you pipe the curl output to your shell anyway, this is the same thing.

Unless of course it's some sort of "timing attack" (advance apology to purists if I'm using this term incorrectly) and the server knows you've downloaded this once (with gosh perhaps) and then sends you the malignant stuff the second or subsequent times.

Edit: sorry, the above makes no sense because you will have reviewed it with gosh and probably wouldn't download it again.

You mean a "race condition", not timing attack.

There are lots of ways you can get bad data from a given server over curl, even if using HTTPS and the attacker does not have full control over the server:

* Typo in URL and typosquatter sends you whatever commands they want

* XSS in server-side scripts leads to injection of commands via unescaped tags

There may be others I haven't thought of. Perhaps a DNS glue record can be used to inject shell metacharacters where the server has an error handler that reports the client hostname? The fact that any of these are even possible shows how fragile this mechanism is.

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