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1. Online learning is a poor substitute for classroom learning.

2. Online learning is much harder on parents and kids.

3. We're in the middle of a pandemic, in a country that has handled it very poorly.

4. Israel tried opening schools in May, when their daily new cases were at an all time low. New cases skyrocketed after opening schools [1], with nearly 50% of new cases being traced back to schools[2].

5. Closing schools in the spring is estimated to have saved 40,000 deaths in the US[3]. At that time new daily cases were significantly lower than they are now.

Unfortunately, classrooms undo a lot of the measures that have kept new daily cases from going significantly higher. They create contacts between families that would not have been in contact otherwise, and as new data comes out, it's clear that children are just as contagious as adults.

With what we know, as hard as it is, I don't see how we can proceed with opening schools until new daily cases are much more contained. The alternative is to have a massive spike in new cases, have schools close again, and be in the same position with online learning, but with many, many more cases out there.

[1] https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Ees8MesX0AAbDE2?format=png&name=...

[2] https://www.wsj.com/articles/israelis-fear-schools-reopened-...

[3] https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/fullarticle/2769034

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