I'm not sure what you're suggesting as an alternative. Large groups of people just marched in the street to protest far more heinous injustice that this corruption and the result was violent attacks by militarized police.
What do you suggest it looks like for us to not accept this?
Would you say that you avoid answering questions on a regular basis? Do you pretend your questions actually seek an answer, rather than just making whatever point you want to make in the superficial form of a question?
Still, I'll answer the question: Yes, I think we are clearly not yet in a totalitarian regime despite our general lack of choice in internet providers. I believe we are clearly still in a democratic republic, although a badly-abused one.
Your last "question" suggests that the direction in which things move is inevitable, but American history demonstrates that is not the case. There has been an ebb and flow between moneyed powers and the people for more than 240 years, and we've been both better off and worse off than we are today.
We will fight back, and make progress, but things like that don't happen on an internet timescale.
Since you've declined to answer any questions or offer any alternatives, I'll offer some of my own.
If you're an American an want to do something to push back against the corrupting influence of money in America, look here: https://www.unrigbook.com/get-involved
People like to claim that but I don't see that as a real reason. I honestly think Americans have just gotten used to being stepped on they just accept it.
If you grow up with no experience of not being stepped on, exactly what would you be giving up on? How exactly do you expect people on average to not accept the general state of the world as it has been for their entire existence?
Acceptance is the default. People, by and large, often do not have the experience of holding ideals of which to give up on that do not in one way or another map onto their experiences in a way suggesting they are living in-line with their ideals.
At this point only a general strike or an armed insurrection would be enough to budge the corporate/state system from its entrenched positions. Voting is not working- many politicians promise to fix this and other problems but once in office they have no incentive to actually do so.