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Viddler serving 1,500 requests for video per second
20 points by jakedahn on April 5, 2011 | hide | past | favorite | 8 comments

There are some really good videos on there too--you can learn about so many things, and they tend to weed out the junk. This is a breathtaking one about Japan: http://www.viddler.com/explore/jiggymedia/videos/1/94.966/



anyone know of posts about their architecture of scaling adventures? I'd love to see how they're handling all of that.

Hey ddemchuk- alas, no real posts about the setup yet-- we have about 30 servers + amazon ec2 and some random VPSs - multiple languages, multiple backends, and many subsites all balanced with nginx at the front. One day I will write an actual post about this. Fire away if you're curious about anything in particular!

I would love to read a post about it, I'm a huge fan of reading about people's scaling and architecture decisions. Thanks for the reply!

Hi ddemchuk, I'm going to ask @Todd, our Sys Op at Viddler, to reply to this ASAP. :-)

Thanks for the reply!

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