Except you can't just score points. The federal reserve scores points and circulates them; they are finite and can in fact be hoarded. I can take 20 dollars from your wallet and you can't just shake your leg and print more.
The Federal Reserve is a construction of the people. It can be instructed by the representatives of the people to engage everybody who turns up at $15 per hour.
You can't add points in a football game either. But the referee can.
All sports leagues have been through extensive rule changes and updates to make sure the game is enjoyable and fair for all, and does not result in one team winning everything all the time.
Indeed. But that doesn't require deducting points from people from previous seasons and asking them to return their trophies so there is sufficient for this season.
We just alter the rules and carry on issuing points as required.
Of course they do. They make everyone start over with zero points literally every time they play.
If you can imagine showing up to play a friendly football game against a rival high school and noticing they have 5,340,322 points already on the board because their families had been playing the game for decades, then you’ll start to really get it.
Every accounting period starts from zero. It's the flow that matters for this accounting period. Not how much you amassed from previous ones.
Football teams keep their players from previous seasons. They don't all go into a big hat and get redistributed to other teams just because they happened to be champions.
But we can change the rules and increase the handicaps.
- We collectively have created an economy that has generated spectacular amounts of wealth.
- A small group of people is hoarding the majority of that wealth.
- This is harmful to our society and needs to change.
- Arguments that we can't reduce inequality without destroying that wealth are factually and historically incorrect.