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I think comments like this are equally as harmful as spreading fake news. The history revisionists/apologists.

Here is the tweet: https://web.archive.org/web/20200729052623/https://twitter.c...


> And this is minor in the scheme of things, but when a customer refunds your paid app, Apple doesn’t refund the 30% cut they took from you

> So you end up owing them money

Absolutely none of that tweet is correct. They don't cite the contract /at all/, they say very matter-of-factly "Apple doesn’t refund the 30% cut they took from you" which is 100% false.

Edit: a word

> I think comments like this are equally as harmful as spreading fake news. The history revisionists/apologists.

Be nice. That was uncalled-for.

I'm not a history revisionist, nor am I an apologist. In fact, we may have many areas in which we agree. You immediately, and intentionally, decided to make me an enemy, and I have no clue why.

I'll revise the comment a bit. Maybe that will make it clearer.

BTW: I took responsibility for writing an unclear comment, and fixed it.

THAT is the kind of thing we need to see more of. It absolutely stinks that people think of every forum in the world as some kind of gladiatorial arena.

I would respond but you keep editing your comments to say something different so I don't really see the point but here we go.

I'll just say this, I think you have a pretty warped view of things if being called out of saying untrue things is the same a making someone your enemy or brings to mind a "gladiatorial arena".

I don't hate people or think of them as enemies just because they disagree with me or I disagree with them. If I get called out on bad behavior I reflect and adjust, I don't come out swinging and playing the victim card.

I don't think of you as my enemy, I think of you as someone who said something that I find to be a dangerous way of thinking/justifying and I said as much. Intent matters and the "truth" gotten to by invalid means is a problem even if it ends in "truth" (which again, this tweet did not even meet that bar).

Actually, you did respond.

I said I agreed with promptly admitting wrong, which was what the OP was all about. I could care less about the tweet. I revised the comment to reflect what I meant more clearly, after reviewing it, and agreeing with you that it could be interpreted ambiguously.

I also added that there is a legitimate issue, in that Apple has a very broad stipulation in their agreement (did you read yours?), that actually gives them the right to do exactly what the original tweet accused. Even though he was wrong about the facts on the ground, he did actually highlight an issue that has been present since the earliest days of the App Store (more than a decade).

And, yes, you are fighting, which is completely unnecessary. I would bet that, if you (not me) hadn't come out of the gate swinging, we might have found a lot of areas in which we could agree.

I'm actually a fairly decent chap. The chances are even that you are, as well. The Internet tends to bring the beast out in us. I am a reformed troll. I could have really come out swinging, but I don't do that, any more. In fact, as you can easily verify, I attach my name and reputation to everything I post.

In any case, we're done here.

Have a great day!

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