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Starting your fundraising pitch deck (stripe.com)
25 points by allenleein on July 30, 2020 | hide | past | favorite | 5 comments

This is kind of neat, and of course looks pretty because it's made by Stripe, but the content seems a bit thin. Maybe I'm a tad cynical because I've already been through the wringer a few times, but I really think there's only two primary elements that go into fundraising:

    1) Traction
    2) Your network
You could have the dumbest pitch deck, but if for (whatever reason) millions of people are clamoring to use your widget, you'll get funded. And you could have no users, but if for (whatever reason) investor X or Y really likes or believes in you, you'll get funded. There's been cases where instead of spending hours and hours on writing, memorizing, and perfecting a pitch deck, I should've spent more time going to bars/dinners/events and getting more users.

I don't even think 'Your network' is quite it. You can have virtually no network to speak of and still have 'it'. It's rare, but some founders just have the right combination of personality, intelligence, and conviction, regardless of who they know (from my experiences).

You must be a strong and special founder. In general, I think its pretty hard to raise vc$ (Seed to Series....) just with the right combination of personality, intelligence, and conviction.

Yes, fundraising is objectively hard.

100% agree

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