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Show HN: Your DevOps Control Plane, in Slack (cto.ai)
75 points by slajax on July 27, 2020 | hide | past | favorite | 35 comments

Founder here - We created CTO.ai to help foster accessible developer experiences by lowering the cost of leveraging Slack in your developer workflows.

The key idea is that you build a CLI using our SDK (it's a container) and then we make it instantly accessible to your whole team in Slack, while also providing 12 factor principals such as Secrets, Configs, Logs, Events and Metrics.

We are early on but have a very vibrant and growing Slack community of developers who want to build their own Cloud PaaS using AWS, GCP, Azure etc but want an easy to use DX so they can distribute there knowledge and process to others and save themselves tons of time and context switching.

Please AMA, we'd love to hear your thoughts.

Slack as a "control plane" is quite the concept, giving operational power to more people around the company through Slack can be a two-edged sword though.

Now, aside from the implicit risk that this might offer, if Slack acts as the "Control plane" for DevOps, what's the platform's "Data plane"?

Is it right to assume that in order to be independent from Slack we'd need to rely on CTO.ai's own infrastructure and resources? I.e. the data plane where DevOps "effectively happens"

Founder here - can you clarify what you mean by "data plane"?

We let you aggregate events and process metrics, should you want to use our platform as the way you aggregate event driven workflows or calculate delivery metrics.

You can run your entire workload on our serverless environment or you can push your workloads to your existing CI/CD + cloud computes - it's really up to you!

What happens when Slack is down? Does DevOps also stop, or is there a way to do the same commands/workflows outside of Slack?

You don't want two separate run books, as they'll never stay in sync. It'll already be enough of an efficiency hit just switching to an alternative interface when Slack is down, let along switching to different tools/processes.

Hey Jason, Ruxandra here from the CTO.ai team!

You have the freedom to build your DevOps workflows as you please, by leveraging our SDKs to interact with the tools and platform you use daily for DevOps. The Slack interface allows you to customize the inputs and trigger these workflows as you desire, but--once triggered--you will not necessarily depend on Slack being up. Hope that makes sense!

Also, the workflows you automate using our platform work in the CLI as well. So you build once, you get a containerized automation which you can use either locally in your CLI, or in Slack. For running these locally, you have to install our `ops` CLI on your machine (more on this here: https://cto.ai/docs/start-building-ops).

Let me know if that helps clarify your questions or if you have any other questions. Thanks!

Founder here - great question.

The way this works is that you first build a CLI, which is a container and then you publish it to us so that it also runs in Slack. It's shared code that runs in both environments.

So if Slack is ever down, you still have the CLI.

The big benefit here is that you build once and it runs in both places which means don't need a separate runbook or even infra to make your CLI run in Slack - it's 100% serverless.

For our users the Ops engineers obviously prefer the CLI, but the Dev's really love Slack - this creates a nice balance in the DX that works on both sides, on top of existing CI/CD.

Chatops has failed at every single company I've worked at. This is an extremely noisy and unnatural way of managing resources and it gets old after the first week. A sprinkle of Hubot here and a Slack web hook there but no one is going all-in on this.

Founder here - we agree. ChatOps has traditionally required you to build out a specific solution for Chat, which failed the cost of ownership equation, after you consider the cost of setting up servers, code and chat specific logic to run your workflows. Hubot is a good example but we've taking it way further and rethought DevOps from a Slack first perspective.

With CTO.ai your existing CLI "just works" in Slack and you have none of the additional overhead but get all of the benefits of chat such as distribution, transparency and collaboration as well. It's a big paradigm shift.

Many of our users are going all in because of this!

Thanks for your feedback! We'll keep iterating!

Very interesting. Can I set permission for every slack member? What resources he can control ?

Founder here - Since a workflow in the context of CTO.ai is just a container, which executes your code, you can build out as robust permissions as you need to by leveraging our vault integration, configs and teams.

Currently, our teams are a basic ACL that lets you manage who in Slack can run the workflow, but we also allow you to associate any of your teams to private channels, so you can more granularly control access using Slack's user membership.

We're looking at more RBAC on top of this for enterprise but for most smaller teams, this covers the majority of their use cases. They often create a team for ops and a team for dev and then associate these teams to members + channels as needed.

@slajax - what are some of your favorite use cases for the platform?

Ruxandra here from the engineering team at CTO.ai. Thought I'd jump in and say we have some cool examples in our registry, covering automations with various products offered by the popular cloud providers, as well as workflows around creating, managing and destroying Kubernetes clusters, and so much more: https://cto.ai/registry.

I certainly have a soft spot for the K8s ones especially as I helped build them :-)

(cto.ai employee here) The obvious ones are any basic CICD operation that you might want to trigger from Slack, i.e: pull code, build code, deploy code. The second use case that comes to mind is treating the platform as a very quick way to build an all purpose SlackBot.

Why in my conscious mind would I ever wanna do something like this?

Especially that lately Slack has proven to be so unstable (lots of intermittent downtime). Meaning I would just lock my infra automation code in CTO.ai servers for... what?

Founder here - We recognize that Slack certainly isn't for everyone which is why everything also works in our CLI and also soon by public API. Slack have a great uptime and regularly stay above 99.9% uptime according to their status pages - that said, if you wanted to bypass Slack and still run cloud native workflows using CTO.ai, serverless-ly, we allow you to also do that via CLI or API. This means you could build your own client and just leverage us for inexpensive compute.

Thanks for sharing your feedback!

That's an interesting question and I was wondering the same thing.

Sounds like if we set Slack aside, all that CTO.ai is really offering is buy-in into their platform w/ no clear value beyond the initial slackbot-like integration

Founder here - for our users, the initial value proposition of being able to deploy a Slack bot in less than 5 minutes without servers, is usually the starting point.

After that they start digging into our team features for Secrets, Configs, Logs and Events which along with our public registry gives them a significant feature set to work against!

Doesn’t this give slack employees root on your infrastructure?

Founder here - 100% not. We've build a specialized PaaS that ensures your credentials and workflows are encrypted and there is no additional security vector here. Also Slack is one of our investors and they have worked with us a great deal to make sure that the security is handled properly!

It’s going to take a lot more detail than that to convince me to let this anywhere near infrastructure I care about.

Care to elaborate for the skeptics reading this?

Investment <> Secure

Of course, generally difficult to explain in HN threads but there are a number of things at play here...

The first is secrets + credentials. You can use our hosted vault or bring your own vault so that your credentials are encrypted and can only be accessed directly by your user code.

The next ACL - we set up teams so that you can control which Slack channels (private or public) they can run in, to deeply control who has access to the workflow. Even if someone has access to the workflow, they can't see the secret as if it's printed, we remove it from the output. Additionally, we push your user outside of Slack (browser or CLI) to manage secrets.

Next, is the actual PaaS itself. Slack doesn't know what's being run, they just send us a webhook and we deal with executing the workload, completely outside Slack. Slack is just a client, it doesn't really know anything about your systems or workflows.

Next is the shared workflow environment, which has multiple layers of virtual sandboxing to ensure, what runs inside your container, only runs inside your container. You can make requests to external wide area network io or inside your container to disk. All of this goes through a sidecar type analysis that we use to ensure security at a very granular level for anything that runs inside these systems.

Lastly, Slack never has access to your code. They are simply the client which tells our platform to run it and in a secure enterprise case, our PaaS can run inside your VPC, which gives you full control end to end as long as you are willing to let Slack send you HTTP request - but this is a standard expectation for any Slack app, we just dramatically simplify it.

I've been thinking about doing a detailed blog post about this in the near future, so i really appreciate these questions!

What prevents a slack employee from issuing chat commands as an authorized user? Similar to what we saw in the recent twitter hack.

Well first of all, as a public company Slack is held to extremely well regulated security protocols to ensure this never happens, so we get the benefit of that out of the box.

Additionally, we require the user to associate their Slack user to their CTO.ai account using a secure authentication layer that has dependencies outside of Slack.

Theoretically, if a Slack employee were to try to execute a workflow, we would be able to see that they don't have this privilege and flag / reject that request because they wouldn't have the CTO.ai associated membership.

At this point, it's just as secure as any web application or even CLI, which have better understood virtual and physical attack vectors. We take it a step further by ensuring that tokens MUST be vaulted, avoiding the chance that you leak them through a lost laptop or public commit.

We're also looking at 2fa for some of our enterprise use cases and have been working on a deeper integration with Slack enterprise grid which makes this even more secure.

Are there additional approaches you'd recommend we take here?

Looks like their secrets feature pops you out to an external site where you have to authenticate separately, and the secrets are entered there, and stored for later use. Check out their video, seems they thought it all through

Thanks, we've tried to re-think DevOps from a Slack first point of view and this was a major consideration so I'm glad to see you recognize it but we've still got a long way to go and we're very open to feedback too!

How does this compare to GitHub Actions for Slack?

Maybe I am misunderstanding what CTO.ai does. GitHub actions are for CI/CD pipelines. Where as CTO is a bot for interfacing with webhooks over chat. The broader term would be ChatOps. Something more comparable in the Github world would Hubot. Jesse Newland has some good lectures about why you would want to do this. Many of the examples come down to visibility of work in remote teams, and creating cleaner interfaces to useful products. There are a number of tools, many people use day to day because they are useful, that have terrible interfaces. You also see some organizations consolidating things like knowledge bases. Apologies if I have generalized CTO.ai in a way that is incorrect.

full disclosure: I work for CTO.ai. It is a similar concept really, but the Ops Platform has a built in interop layer for communicating between the containers & slack channels.

what do you mean by containers? a company's dockerized infra?

I watched the video, you guys are centralizing all the team's scripts inside Slack. I can see a lot of Slack addicts loving this!

The platform essentially allows devolopers to create small portable containerize operations that can be interfaced via slack simply by using the Ops SDK. For example if your user code in the container prompts `sdk prompt 'Whats your favorite color?'` It will prompt in your teams slack channel with zero effort on the developers part.

Founder here - Thanks! Yes that's the general idea.

We're making it so you can port your existing scripts and allow them to easily run in Slack so that they are more discoverable and intuitive for all experiences.

Looks cool! Can you share some case studies / coolest use cases?

Absolutely. We have about 5 that are currently in the works that cover many different use case from our community. We’ll be sharing soon on our blog so please keep an eye out for them!

I am very interested to see where this thread goes...

What are some of your most common workflows??

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