I've played Dota for way more hours than I want to admit, and unless you're playing on the highest of levels (Immortal) where people really have a very strong feeling for the win-conditions that they have and when it becomes very hard to reach them, I call BS on your statement. There are very strong reasons why pro players almost never call it GG before at least one rax is down, and often wait to do so for at least one last hail mary fight (depends a bit on the patch though).
The chance that the enemy throws a fight or makes other mistakes that opens up new win conditions (or sometimes that simply one guy in the other team tilts and throws) is just too high in Dota in order to be able to call it quits after 10 minutes.
One of the main reasons for the toxicity in Dota in my opinion is that people don't understand that there are 10 variables in the field, but they can only control one of them. Don't even bother trying to influence the other 9 (apart from positive feedback/encouragement/communication to the team), it's a waste of time and only contributes to the toxicity.
I'm at 2.5k, almost always playing as pos 5 winter wyvern. I'm under no impression that I'm great at dota :)
At this level with the same position and firstpicking ww I get a small subset of heroes I play with and against, so it's much easier to call. I have pudge and sniper every other game for example, and enemy pos 5 is very often cm or ogre :) It's a great day I get to play vs meepo or oracle but it almost never happens. The best I can hope for is axe or legion.
Also half the fancy strats don't work because people don't talk. Split-pushing is just split-feeding. Nobody does 3-lanes. Jungling is a last resort of carry that lost the lane and when he's fat the barracks are already destroyed.
So if we lost laning hard enough and have earlier-game cores than the enemy - we lost, it just takes a lot of time to play out.
But even if I was wrong 30% of the time instead of 1o% - I'd still happily take that trade in mmr if I could. Obviously pro players have different motivation so for them it's "never surrender", but almost nobody is a pro.
The chance that the enemy throws a fight or makes other mistakes that opens up new win conditions (or sometimes that simply one guy in the other team tilts and throws) is just too high in Dota in order to be able to call it quits after 10 minutes.
One of the main reasons for the toxicity in Dota in my opinion is that people don't understand that there are 10 variables in the field, but they can only control one of them. Don't even bother trying to influence the other 9 (apart from positive feedback/encouragement/communication to the team), it's a waste of time and only contributes to the toxicity.