There are a lot of suggestions for "long form" and "books" here. Are none of you keeping up with this pandemic and what your country/state/city recommended behaviours, laws and bylaws are?
Their are some deeper news aggregations. I would argue that Twitter is just so absolutely shallow, that it offers a misrepresentation of reality.
I read the Wall Street Journal for general/business/politics news. I feel that you really have to pay for news if you want accurate reporting. Goldman Sachs has an ok podcast for market updates.
For transient issues, you really need to dig around for where the field experts are posting their analyses... ...but it's also important not to get sucked into every online controversy/story. Achieving your life goals is about FOCUS - and most news are just distractions.
For Pandemic stuff, I listen to the 10 min clinical updates on TWIV every few days, and watch the numbers on the New York Times data charts (not the articles).
The Sans internet storm for IT security, because I'm in that field.
If there's a Iran/NK conflict going on, I'll listen to the Arms Control Wonk podcast analysis. Stuff like that - there are some great experts podcasts out there.
If I'm bored, I'll read HackerNews and ZeroHedge.
I have found very little value in what my local city/state officials have to say.
You can switch on the radio once a day for half an hour and get a full update while you make breakfast or something - doesn’t need any more than that really. And no chance of commenting!
This is actually a lot of what I use Twitter for. I follow some local people in the business community and local government officials to get news about what's going on here. I follow a few journalists I trust to get info about the world. And I follow some tech ppl to get cool tech stuff.