This does not jive with my observations living in a state with legal recreational marijuana. There are some significant taxes, but even so I can buy some decent weed for the same price as before legalization. There are definitely "high end" products in the stores that are ridiculously overpriced but the crappy stuff is cheaper than it's ever been.
I used to manufacture "shatter" in my basement lab which I extracted from "shake" I bought off of friends that ran grow-ops. Since legalization I had to wind that entire operation down because in addition to noticing a precipitous drop in my own sales figures no one I know is growing anymore! Now I can buy bulk flower from the store for less than I used to pay for trimmings.
I used to manufacture "shatter" in my basement lab which I extracted from "shake" I bought off of friends that ran grow-ops. Since legalization I had to wind that entire operation down because in addition to noticing a precipitous drop in my own sales figures no one I know is growing anymore! Now I can buy bulk flower from the store for less than I used to pay for trimmings.