As a father with a 12 year old struggling with math, to say something is extremely easy makes me think you have a better understanding of math than people.
Take your child back to first grade and systematically re-test his knowledge. Identify where he got lost, catch up, and then today's assignments will not be as difficult. The child is likely stuck on something that wasn't thoroughly understood in the past.
I did this for a child recently. He was in the special needs program. I looked at his homework and re-tested his math understanding. It turns out he had no solid understanding of place value and had difficulty with adding two digit numbers mentally. No wonder he was struggling. We fixed that by spending a week 30 minutes per day on just that concept, he caught up to the next roadblock, which was fractions, we fixed that, and so on.
That's expensive if you hire someone to do this, but enabling self-study through ability to backtrack would not require as much teaching skill and be more of a supervisory activity for parents.
There are entire books on how to interpret math word problems, which is really all about converting verbal expressions into mathematical symbols. If you haven't already, buy one or check one out at the library. I am building a parser that implements those books as if they were algorithms.
That's the approach I am working on. No NLP, no ML, nothing fancy like that. It will take a while, but I should be able to pull this off. This is a question about hard problems and I think it qualifies. ;)
I totally agree that missing foundation is a huge, compounding issue, and that it can be solved with “surgical education”. I used to do this as a tutor. You dig deeper down the stack of fundamentals until you find something that’s missing, and then you build the stack back up.
That being said, surgery is hard and can be traumatizing if taken on haphazardly. One of the harder problems, in my experience, is if an adolescent has been behind for years, it takes a long time to get to “normal”, and that can be really depressing for both the tutor and the pupil.
Another huge compounding problem is literacy skills. There are people in high school who can barely read, and it dramatically impacts their ability to catch up in every other subject. You can write a perfect explanation, but it might be totally disorienting to these students.
Education is really hard. I wish you the best of luck, it’s inspirational to read your ideas here!
Exactly. Literacy will be the second prong. I want to annotate Strunk & White with background information. Writing the grammar engine will be difficult.
While reading S&W, I had to look up many terms that were assumed knowledge.
Hey, this doesn't sound too different from the adaptive diagnostic Maths Pathway ( has. It starts at Level 1 and retests all mathematical knowledge of the student until it reaches their zone of proximal development (ZPD). It's all within a classroom environment, but it means all the students are learning the maths that suit them, not a one-size-fits all which is the issue you are referring to I believe.
To be fair, they never said it was easy to figure out how to properly explain it, nor that the right pace was necessarily as fast as anyone involved would like.
Yeah, I feel there are a few potential PhDs in that statement. Coding the solver and the problem generator is the easy part, figuring out how to explain something and from multiple perspectives will be tough. The multiple perspectives is key. I hope I can build a community of people willing to explain and a community of moderators to vet the explanation.