This reminds me of the bike routes in Flanders and the Netherlands. There is a dense network of cycle routes, with every intersection being numbered (these are called "knoppunten"). At each numbered intersection, there is a signpost, with directions to the neighboring knoppunt. As a result, you could plan a route based on a list of knoppunten and just write down the numbers. I've heard tell of small scroll wheels that you'd attach to your bike that these lists of points could clip into, with a small window to tell you where you are, but I've never actually seen one.
This is pretty much how one navigates complex mountain bike trail systems. Each intersection is numbered, has arrows pointing the way to the connected intersections, and usually shows a map showing the whole system. One can stop, look at where they want to go, memorize the next few numbers, then ride just making the correct turns, glancing at the signs.