Why imitate Apple? Just cause Apple have American executives who can communicate well with the American press, Samsung should too? And somehow they should only report the exact number of devices sold to customers, when not other company in the world (not even Apple) does?
Samsung is a different company than Apple. Even if they were to try and attack Apple through imitation, they'd just come off as a pale copy. Personally I'd say they are doing OK, especially cause they get the enviable position of making money off every iPad, iPhone, iPod touch and Apple TV made while presenting a competing device of their own. There is no one true way.
if they were to try and attack Apple through imitation, they'd just come off as a pale copy.
That's the path Samsung is on. Sure, it'd be nice if they'd try something new, but apparently that's not the kind of company they are. If your product isn't novel, you better be a good salesman.
Samsung is a different company than Apple. Even if they were to try and attack Apple through imitation, they'd just come off as a pale copy. Personally I'd say they are doing OK, especially cause they get the enviable position of making money off every iPad, iPhone, iPod touch and Apple TV made while presenting a competing device of their own. There is no one true way.
And some fact checks:
Galaxy Player is available, just not in America (Samsung has a Korean bias, just like Apple has an American bias): http://en.akihabaranews.com/89201/dap-pmp/samsung%E2%80%99s-...
And the Tab 10.1 does have a ship date: http://www.engadget.com/2011/03/22/live-from-samsungs-ctia-e...