> b) For super high throughput low latency systems, they are not up to snuff. When I worked in real time bidding in ad-tech this was actually a serious concern. I'd reach for Rust (or C/C++) in this scenario now.
What did you do? You wrote servers in C? you wrote a Redis for instance?
Optimized for GC and figured it out. But that point also coincided with a job switch; I went to another ad tech company, but on the exchange side rather than the bidding side. And all our ad server infrastructure for that was written in C/C++ (with embeded V8 JS for biz logic stuff). Then that company was bought by Google, and I worked on the exchange side at Google, too, where everything was also in C++.
My successor at the original startup rewrote everything in Python. And I watched from the exchange side as they struggled for two months to meet basic performance constraints. They eventually got it though. It certainly can be done.
It's worth pointing out this was 10 years ago. And in the meantime we've had the usual improvements in machine performance, and SSDs are a thing in data centres, etc.
What did you do? You wrote servers in C? you wrote a Redis for instance?