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I really want to like this app, but the Mac version is needlessly crippled.

For example, you can't set the specific time when you want it to start kicking into effect. When it geolocates itself, it hits full effect by 7pm, which is too early for my schedule (I'm staying with a roommate and optimally want to have it kick in around 9 or 10pm so we can both sleep around the same time).

Additionally, the Mac version only has 4 settings for the color temperature (Tungsten, Halogen, Fluorescent, and Daylight), while the Windows version allows you to manually set the exact temperature you want to set as the "maximum."

I am happy to see that F.lux for Mac is still being developed, and the new settings look great, but please allow me to request that the menu bar icon will be changed back to a monochrome one, or at least has a setting for it the same way Dropbox for Mac has.

Thanks for your work. I hope you'll consider my request.

Upvoted. I've been using Flux for several months. I absolutely love it. I am very familiar with the 'turn it off at night and feel your eyes start to burn' effect. But, for the love of god, PLEASE DO NOT clutter up the menubar with an attention-grabbing icon (i.e. one with color).

In addition to restoring a monochrome option, you should also allow users to turn off the menubar icon entirely, and simply rely on the System Preference pane for access on the (very rare) occasions when it's needed.

Thanks for your consideration.

thanks - we've been debating flipping it back to black for the same reason. Probably will!

Just updated - love the slider. 3800k turns out to be the perfect temperature for the room I'm in, so right in-between the old presets for tungsten and fluorescent.

Having the ability to fine tune it like this is really nice.

When I first downloaded the CoverFlow app on a Mac, I said to the person beside me... "Apple will integrate this in iTunes." It wasn't long before Apple bought them out and began sprinkling CoverFlow across everything Apple.

When I first downloaded F.lux I thought the same thing. Here's the next obvious buy.

That they haven't offered you a fat wad of cash to buy your improvement to the iDevices as something you live with in your home suggests to me that Apple is in the process of dropping the ball, when it comes to ergonomics and HI.

This should be baked into Lion. It just should. Thanks.

herf, can you tell me where the menubar icon comes from, for the current (not 1.2) version? I don't see it in the bundle, so now I'm curious.

I ask because on Mac OS X 10.7, I'm getting a wildly different, annoyingly-color, icon:


Whereas on the same machine, with the same version, under 10.6, I get:


Why is that not yet available on the website?

thanks for the great software!

The first time I was linked to a screenshot of the Windows version by a friend, I didn't even recognise it. :(

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