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I agree with your frustrations around this limitation and think file watchers should do their best to support arbitrary file addition/removal in directories. That being said, the races do matter when you edit with "mammal speed" but use source control to merge/rebase commits that affect your watched directories. Especially in a team setting when multiple coworkers are working on the same directories, git can be blasting rapidly through a lot of file moves, deletions etc so it's not really an edge case.

Git is a good point. However, the only time I desire commands triggered by changes in source tree is during actual code writing to instantly test my changes. On the other hand stopping it during Git operations could harm my workflow. This could be easily solved by simple 1s debounce, with this hypothetical debounce filter

    inotifywait -rq -m -e close_write --format %f --exclude .git | grep '\.rules$' | debounce 1 | xargs ...

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