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Reverse the Boston Startup Curse (graysky.org)
14 points by champion on March 25, 2011 | hide | past | favorite | 8 comments

I feel like you're inventing this concept of Boston being a "startup curse" as an excuse to use a bunch of Red Sox analogies.

I'm genuinely curious if anyone else feels the same way about startups in Boston? The impression I get is that there's a fairly active startup scene centered mostly around Biotech and CS, a lot of smart kids, and historically not as much funding (but that seems to be changing).

You're definitely right about Boston having an active startup community with lots of smart folks.

Personally I don't feel we have a "startup curse," but it is definitely something that others talk about. It's generally in reference to the fact that despite having all the things that you've mentioned, we're yet to have a company exit or grow on par with the most successful San Francisco startups.

Yeah, that's why I was curious what people in Boston felt.

I left about 12 years ago (coincidentally to the Bay Area, although my reasons for moving were more surfing-related than startup-related), so I don't think I'm a particularly good judge of what the current scene is like.

Maybe, but everyone loves that sign. Just looking at it made me consider moving back and trying to start my biz idea.

They closed that bug on the bridge awhile ago when they redid the Charles/MGH station.


"not as much funding"

You hit the nail on the head. It would be too easy to pick apart the examples given based on past/recent performance, but what it boils down to is money being thrown around.

Steroids aside, it doesn't take a genius to figure out that money bought championship teams and attracted top-quality entrepreneurs (because that's what modern-era free agents are) to the local team. Money. And until someone starts handing out money and perks like they do out in SF/SV, Botson will remain unchanged, regardless of all the crushers out there dropping names at meetups.

There's plenty of later stage money; it's the seed capital that's lacking.

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