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This needs a larger comment, but the "intellectual right" has largely self-destructed, leaving the focus entirely on white supremacy, homophobia, anti-contraception, anti-abortion, global warming denial, and weird conspiracy theories in general.

It's pointless trying to be a "respectable" right wing intellectual because you have to spend all your time running around justifying the completely incoherent things that Trump is talking about.

Chicago school economics? You can have a discussion with that, and leave it civil. That doesn't work with the_donald.

This is just you choosing which part of right-wing ideas you like. I could make the exact same argument with the left.

"Yeah, saving trees and whales sounds fine, but they should stop it with all the LGBTQ, BLM, socialist stuff"

You can't have a civil discussion with those people either. In fact it's getting increasingly difficult to have civil discussions with anyone (HN is an exception because everyone is on their best behaviour, but to a large extent this results in self-censorship; you can see that the least politically correct comments are made with throw-away accounts).

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