Of course its about Apple. Think about it, would it have made it to the top of HN if it were a cover for Galaxy tab, or something else for that matter.
How exactly does this cover outsmart Apple's? I can't fold it in half. I can't fold the whole thing over save one quarter, so that the rear camera lens is exposed.
It's nifty, it's another option, but is it better? Better for what? I'd ask, and I'm sure it's more exclusive but from an everyday use perspective, I just don't see it.
If it had been a cover for a Galaxy Tab, it would be hailed as an innovative idea from a startup that has found a great niche.
Instead, it's just an iteration on Apple's design, from a boutique that specializes in helping you further flaunt your gadgets as status symbols.
Based on the downvote, somebody seems to have taken one of the above sentences seriously. I guess I fail at subtle mockery.
Credit should be given where credit is due. Apple's Smart Cover was an innovation. Miniot's cover is less of an innovation, but no less smart from a business sense, and it would have been impossible for them to make this product for any other tablet, because it's too soon for Samsung et al to have added magnets to their tablets. I think it's also safe to say that if Apple hadn't already done it, Samsung would never bother to make an expensive change to their tablet just to facilitate a clever case.
What are you getting at with that link? That Apple didn't come up with the idea of a 4-segment folding cover? I certainly wasn't implying that - I was speaking out against hyperbolic praise or bashing of products based on pro-/anti-Apple biases.
If you took the case you linked to and added magnets so it could function like Apple's Smart cover, it would be quite a bit bulkier. I think it's fair to say that Apple's integrating the magnets in to the tablet is a more significant improvement than Miniot's is over Apple's.
By trying to lump me in with the people/strawmen who say that Apple invented smartphones or MP3 players, you do no credit to yourself and you make it look like you're trying to distract from my assertion that it does matter somewhat who the tablet manufacturer is because no other tablet maker would put the magnets inside their tablet.