There’s something fishy about that report. It says it is presenting the fastest programs, but when I click through to “all perl programs”, there are faster (often by 1-2 orders of magnitude) programs / runs:
Nodejs is very fast, because it uses an an engine that has had multiple millions of dollars thrown at it to make it fast. Most interpreted languages don't fare well against it.
Perl fares somewhat favorably against Python, Ruby and PHP though. Those are what I would consider equivalent languages to compare against to get a general idea of its speed.
Not just orders of magnitude more money, but more importantly the large number of incredibly talented people working full time on JavaScript, in many different companies and research institutions, collaborating together. JavaScript benefits from an overwhelming network effect and critical mass of tools and developers, that Perl just can't touch, and never will.
Depends on what you mean by "fare well". Even in those benchmarks, Perl seems to have a lower memory footprint than Node.js in most of the results.
It's also worth noting that three of the examples (pidigits, reverse-complement, fasta) don't seem to do any multiprocessing in Perl whereas they do in Node.js. At least for reverse-complement and fasta, it should be possible to rewrite those to use multithreading (like the Node.js versions do).