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First of all, interfaces are not nil if they point to a nil value for the same reason a * * T is not nil if the * T is nil. That is the correct decision. You can not call a function on a nil interface, but you can call a function on an interface which is not nil, but where the value of the type is nil[1].

As for your proposal, there are some issues with it: not all structures have a sane default for all not optional, nilable parameters. What is the default underlying reader for a bufio.Reader? A reader which returns zero bytes? Certainly that would be more confusing to debug than a simple panic, which is what we have now [2]. There's also the fact that a zero value is just a value with all the bytes zeroed and allocating an object via language means (new) never allocates more than the size of the object and doesn't do computation.

But I guess the main point would be that I simply do not have a problem programming with nil-able types. Failing to initialize in Go means writing var a *T as opposed to a := &T{} or a := NewT(), which seems like an odd mistake to make - or forgetting to initialize a member of a struct in the NewT() function. Fundamentally, I do not want to spend hours of my life dealing with safeguards which are protecting me from a few minutes of debugging.

But hey, that's just me. Go isn't Rust and Rust isn't Go and that's a good thing.

[1]: https://play.golang.org/p/L7iy9YBC55c [2]: https://play.golang.org/p/Vgv73KhegKI

> not all structures have a sane default for all not optional, nilable parameters. What is the default underlying reader for a bufio.Reader?

I think you're actually agreeing with nemothekid here, what you're saying is that there is no sensible default value for a bufio.Reader. In Rust terminology, that would mean bufio.Reader would not implement the Default trait. Types need to explicitly implement the Default trait, so only types where that makes sense implement it.

> I simply do not have a problem programming with nil-able types

Yes, that's going to make a big difference to how you feel about features that reduce the chance of errors like that. I'd hazard a guess that in C# the most common exception that is thrown is the NullReferenceException, after a quick search[1] it looks like NullPointerException is a good bet for the most common exception in Java. Most of those IlligalArgumentExceptions are probably from null checks too.

> Fundamentally, I do not want to spend hours of my life dealing with safeguards which are protecting me from a few minutes of debugging.

Similarly, I've already spent hours of my live dealing with null and undefined value errors, and I'd like to stop doing that. So I welcome new languages and new language features that help to stop those errors before they happen.

[1] https://blog.overops.com/the-top-10-exceptions-types-in-prod...

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