1000 books is really not much. After culling, I have 1000 books on my read shelves and easily 200 or so unread books. And that's just what I have in print and doesn't count the music books or the rare book shelf or my wife's two bookcases of print books.
After I got my first job, I went on a bookstore crawl through Santa Monica back when the Third Street Promenade was full of independent shops and bookstores. I came home with a car full of books and a thousand-dollar credit card bill. It's easy to forget that your income is finite when you're young and foolish.
My personal story instead is that I had always been convinced that books were useless in software or web development, that everything you needed (and had to do) was read the specifications, standards and official manuals (I dropped out of college very early).
After a few years, when trying to figure out a new thing, I conceded to turn to some book and a world opened.
Along with the discovery of O'Reilly's, and then other publishers', late shop of drm-free PDFs (which also solved the serious space problems I would have had with paper books), I went on a e-books binge, from software craft to every conceivable CS field.
I am scared to estimate how much I spent, but I'm reasonably glad of what I learned and what I have at hand.