Humans are amazing, the whole planet full of life is amazing. And instead of exploring everything the universe has provided for us, for itself, we have created a shitty prison for everyone involved.
I sat on the beach yesterday watching a 4 and half billion year fire that is burning 8 light minutes away, overhearing two ladies in their mid 50s talk about how much money they were making flipping houses and
The universe doesn't care if you contemplate it or not, it doesn't care if a couple of 50 year olds make their money selling pieces of dirt with some bricks on for more than they paid.
Enjoy your life, do the things that make you content (and I say content not happy carefully here, happiness is fleeting, contentedness lasts).
I sat on the beach yesterday watching a 4 and half billion year fire that is burning 8 light minutes away, overhearing two ladies in their mid 50s talk about how much money they were making flipping houses and