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Nikolas from the Prisma team here, thanks a lot for your comment!

> The problem with this tool, like every other multi-SQL-flavor-SQL ORM and query builder, is that it requires users to learn yet another language. In addition to Node.js and SQL, users need to learn the Prisma query language. This is not trival, and users that are already accustomed to working with SQL will need to relearn PrismaSQL.

I'm not sure I'd fully agree with this! The "other language" in this case is an intuitive and natural API (in Node.js/TypeScript) for querying data [1], so hopefully, there won't be much overhead to "learn" anything new. It should be rather the opposite and pretty straightforward to pick up, auto-completion and type-safety will also contribute to making the experience of querying data fluent without much learning overhead.

We specifically decided to abstract away from SQL because we found that many developers don't feel productive with SQL as their main database abstraction [2] (that's also why so many people roll their own data access layers in the end).

> I think the best approach to this problem is a single-SQL-flavor query builder that attempts to match SQL as closely as possibly while adding in the niceties of being able to pass in JavaScript objects instead of raw SQL strings. Lets be honest: raw SQL-in-JS is no fun.

It sounds like your thinking is generally aligned with ours actually! The main difference is that we concluded that the query builder shouldn't be SQL-flavored but just a natural API for any Node.js or TypeScript devs.

[1] https://www.prisma.io/blog/announcing-prisma-2-n0v98rzc8br1#...

[2] https://www.prisma.io/docs/understand-prisma/why-prisma#appl...

Thanks for your response Nikolas!

Prisma's approach is well thought out, and I appreciate the new angle on an old and challenging problem. For Typescript users, especially new users, Prisma can be a big win. Abstracting SQL has huge benefits here (especially type safety/static analysis), and I look forward to seeing where this project goes.

That being said, my favorite database is PostgreSQL because it has so many features (and I'm just comfortable with it). At some point, a tool like Prisma (or Knex, TypeORM, etc) just cannot support all PostgreSQL features because it needs to support other flavors too. While some users may find this trade off acceptable, I always find myself hacking around the tool to use the raw features. Therefore, my ideal environment would be a full-featured PostgreSQL query builder.

TL;DR I see the benefits of Prisma, but they're not for me at this point

Do you use an ORM with PostgreSQL in Node.js right now?

I’m thinking of porting a project from Firebase to Postgres and whether to use an ORM and which one are hotly contested points in my research thus far.

You might want to consider Hasura. It's GraphQL layer on top of Postgres with realtime support. We're in the middle of porting a Firebase project to Postgres, and we're using a mix of Hasura, raw SQL, and knex. To be honest, we have more raw SQL (via `knex.raw`) than anything. We use the knex query builder for highly dynamic queries, and Hasura where we need realtime support.

If you want "more ORM" then Knex then `Objection.js` is a good option. I think the other main option in node land is TypeORM. Either of there is probably a good choice.

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