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You can pry "Sphynx of black quartz, hear my vow" from my cold dead hands.

That's missing "d", "g", "i", and "j", unless I'm missing something.

Just for fun, the JavaScript one-liner I used to check:

  const check = str => [...Array(26)].map((t, i) => String.fromCharCode("a".charCodeAt(0) + i)).filter(l => str.indexOf(l) < 0)

Yeah, I believe the line is “... judge my vow” for that reason. (Sphinx supplies the “I”)

And a mildly golfed true/false check:

    str => [...Array(26)].every((e, i) => str.indexOf(String.fromCharCode(97 + i)) >= 0)
There should probably be a .toLowerCase() in there, though.

If you have access to a keyboard, it might be easier to just run your fingers over it to get


Dub waltz "Nymph", for quick jigs vex.

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