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TJ Jermoluk used to be CEO of @Home Networks, President and COO at Silicon Graphics and General Partner at KPCB.

So why is he relevant to "the Future of Authentication"?

I could see Martin Hellman being relevant, maybe. But there's no real substance in this piece, certainly not from Jermoluk. What I got out of it is that PKI is the answer. As I think DNS-based PKI is the answer, I think he's not too far, but he's probably selling something I don't need or want.

What do you mean by DNS-based PKI? That sounds interesting, but I can't quite visualize what that is.

There are two options:

  - registries and registrars run name-constrained CAs

  - DNSSEC/DANE (RFC 6698 https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6698)

I’m guessing using CERT resource records, that however doesn’t solve how you establish the chain of trust really.

Because that’s what his new startup Beyond Identity does.

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